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When you grew up loving rock music from the great bands of the 70’s .... big sounding drums, thundering bass, heavy guitars and amazing vocals, then you are likely to be in a high energy rock band playing music from across the decades. Because you love it. That is what Band Kamp is all about.  We love rock music. 


Band Kamp is Wendi Richardson (guitar/vocals), Lisa Delia (vocals), Mike Reeves (lead guitar/vocals), Jamie Richardson (bass/vocals), Kyle Wilson (guitar/vocals) and Jack Demeis (drums). 


Having played in various bands in Evergreen, CO (and elsewhere) over the years these 6 musicians were destined to come together and form a dynamic rock band ready to bring foot stomping, hip shaking rock music from your favorite bands to the Rocky Mountain Foothills. 


Available for parties, festivals, special events, bar gigs….anywhere you want to get people dancing and having a good time!!